
Yeah So . . .

I haven't posted much of great interest lately, or much lately at all.

To tell the truth I've hit a bit of a wall when it comes to ideas/concepts to discuss . . .

I do have lots I'd love to post about in the knitting/general craftiness category, but as all of them are Christmas presents, I'm left to document them now, and I'll post them after the first of the year.

I started doing this, way back when, because it would keep me writing, which I don't really like to do, and don't feel very good at. It certainly has helped, except for the great improvement part - just need to find something to talk about.

Inspiration is bound to strike soon.

1 comment:

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I've always got topics going at my blog. It's sense we sometimes lack. But I've got plenty to jumpstart you with. And it's the second best way to keep up with Ben Wyman these days.