
So . . .

The fellow who runs the station website is thinking about letting me write a craft blog. I'm thinkin' he's crazy. Any ideas? A title? Good topics?

So far I'm thinking of working up posts on (in no particular order):
1.Knitting (General)
2.Crochet (General)
3.Spinning (General)
4.Sewing Clothing
6.Making soft toys
7.Faux Finishing
8.Furniture Making and Finishing
9.Crafting for Charity
10.Christmas gift ideas
11.Other gift ideas (birthdays, anniversaries, mother's day etc . . .)
12.Good gifts for crafters
13.Sock Knitting
14.Lace Knitting
15.Filet Crochet
16.Mosaic Tiling
17.Baking (General)
18.Bread Making
21.Some dish specific cooking (making pasta, pie crust, pesto etc . . .)
22.Making purses and bags
23.Knitting finishing techniques
24.Interviews with some local store owners and crafters

Now, to be brutally honest, I don't know too much about quite a few of these things, but this can serve as a motivation to research and learn myself. I may spend some serious time at the library/on the web. If anyone just loves any of the non-knitting stuff, and wants to share their wealth of knowledge, please do. Suggestions for websites etc . . . would be wonderful.

Am I nuts?? Y'all have read my blog, you know I don't express myself well on the page. I think I may be calling in the services of my mother, as I did in highschool. I might should ask if she's ok with that, huh.


Cheryl in AZ said...

I think it sounds like a GREAT idea!! You do just fine at 'expressing yourself on the page' Mom might make a really good editor though. Sounds like a good extention for you. Go for it Girl!!

btw...no luck yet with the whole 'button thang'

Rebecca said...

I have only read through your site a couple times since starting the HP Sock Swap and, from what I read, you do a great job communicating! Start with the things you love first. I can foresee more hobbies up ahead for you! :-)

Gramknits said...

Go for it. You write well. I can imangine you speaking and that is what good writing is all about. Small things in craft that go along with your general items could be lots of fun. Stitch markers for knitting. Needle holders for sewing kind of a cross-craft thing. Sounds like something you will enjoy.